Argyll Langoustines

A new website for this local crew who catch live langoustines in the clear waters of Loch Fyne.

Argyll is famous for being Scotland’s natural larder, offering hill reared beef, fresh venison, pheasant and of course the best seafood in the world, including oysters, lobsters and our langoustines.

They have invested in traditional creels which are a sustainable form of fishing. It ensures there is very little by-catch and therefore protects other species. It also means that egg bearing Langoustines can be brought to the surface unharmed and returned to the sea to protect stock. The carbon footprint from this method is minimal compared to other more intensive forms of fishing. Any young or “berried” langoustines are carefully returned to the sea. It’s this care and attention that ensures that Argyll Langoustines protect their natural environment but also delivers the best quality product to the customers.
